Thursday, June 26, 2014
Tech Integration 101
This course has provided me with a few resources that I will definitely use throughout the school year. Several mentions of Google Forms has me excited about trying this new concept for quick assessments in the classroom. I think it will be a great way to quickly check for understanding and use for informal assessments. There are a few other resources that were introduced, such as Remind and Classcharts, that I would also like to try in my classes. I can also use the curriculum models for professional development for teachers and use the resources and examples provided to help integrate technology more effectively in the classroom. Sharing the 21st Century Skills with all teachers in my district will be beneficial when discussing technology as well. I look forward to sharing what I learned in this course with students and teachers!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Technology Integration
Teaching students how to use technology and how to learn by using technology is a process. The focus should always be on the content that the teachers are teaching, but they will need to start somewhere when integrating technology into the curriculum. Students will learn the technology best when they are able to explore the tools given to them. I don't feel that the digital tool that is being introduced needs to be explicitly taught to the students. They are going to learn how the tool works and the different features of the tool. As teachers, we need to show them how the tools can be used within the curriculum and how to use the tool to show us what they know. This can be done by modeling while we are teaching. If teachers use the technology in the lessons they teach, then they can demonstrate how they expect the students to use the technology as well. But this will take time throughout the year to instill in the students. I think as we are becoming more tech savvy ourselves, the students will realize that they will have more freedom to explore different options when using technology. When we start at a young age in elementary school, the students will become more aware of how to use the technology in the classroom. It will take several years but will be worth it in the end.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Digital Distraction
Keeping students on task when using technology is a challenge for most teachers. Some teachers are uncomfortable with technology in the classroom and will try to control the technology and student use of it. Other teachers are more comfortable with technology and will keep the students engaged when using tech but will control screen time and internet usage on the devices. The third group of teachers are integrating tech in the classroom with ease and are setting expectations for using the technology to have students become self-aware of when and how long they are using the devices. In my classroom, I began with the second stage but have progressed through the third stage of managing the technology and the distractions. The reason this is possible is because expectations are set and reinforced constantly throughout the class period. Teachers can get to this level of management if they are committed to setting expectations and procedures with their classes and be consistent with those expectations. Support from colleagues and administration would help the teachers be more comfortable with managing technology distractions. A school-wide effort on setting expectations with technology would greatly improve the level of technology effectiveness and lower the level of distractions that teachers face with technology.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Stakeholder Communication
When communicating with stakeholders about the integration of technology, three things come to mind for parents to understand: skills that students will learn, digital citizenship, and how teachers are going to manage the devices in the classroom. Parents are usually wanting to know what their child is learning. It is important when integrating technology that parents understand that students are going to acquire many skills when working with technology. Some of these skills include, collaboration among peers, problem solving and communication. Teachers can be specific about what the students are learning when implementing tech projects in their classroom and share that with parents. Digital citizenship is important for all students and parents to understand. Parents would benefit from learning what the students do about how to be responsible with technology. Parents also need to understand how the devices are being managed in the classroom and that not every lesson will require that technology be used. Knowing how much students should be using the devices at home would also help parents understand how the technology works and still give them some control over how long their child needs to be on the device. If these three things are communicated well with parents, then the integration of technology in the classroom will be more effective because the teacher will have the parent support needed to encourage correct student behavior with technology.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
21st Century Skills
21st Century Skills are important for students to learn. The most important of these skills that students need to be able to master is collaboration. In my elementary classes (grades 3-6), this is the one skill that all students need to be successful. Some students will effectively collaborate with other students, but I find that the majority have difficulty working with other students. Even as adults, we are more successful in our careers if we collaborate with our peers than if we try to do everything alone. It is so important for teachers to work together for the common good of the school and students, so it is very important that we teach our students the same. Students are keen observers when adults in the school building do not work together, so modeling effective collaboration is just a important as teaching it.
One way this skill can be used is through Google Apps for Education. Since beginning GAFE this school year, students are beginning to learn how to collaborate with each other. It was difficult at first when they were working on an assignment in small groups on a Google doc or presentation. I have seen improvements since the beginning of the school year with the collaboration of students when using Google apps. Their collaboration skills have improved in other areas around the school building as well.
The collaborative assignments and projects can be assessed using rubrics The students can also peer assess the group's effort and contribution to the project.
Learning how to collaborate effectively at the elementary level will help students become more tolerant of each other as they enter middle and high school.
One way this skill can be used is through Google Apps for Education. Since beginning GAFE this school year, students are beginning to learn how to collaborate with each other. It was difficult at first when they were working on an assignment in small groups on a Google doc or presentation. I have seen improvements since the beginning of the school year with the collaboration of students when using Google apps. Their collaboration skills have improved in other areas around the school building as well.
The collaborative assignments and projects can be assessed using rubrics The students can also peer assess the group's effort and contribution to the project.
Learning how to collaborate effectively at the elementary level will help students become more tolerant of each other as they enter middle and high school.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Philosophy of Education
My philosophy of education has evolved throughout my years in education. Some aspects of my philosophy have not changed. I have always believed that students need a safe environment to learn and are allowed to take risks while learning. Students need to feel that they can ask questions about their learning and rely on each other to help them learn. I think my classes have allowed students to be risk takers. Instilling good character and values is also another goal that I have each year for all students. I also believe that it is important for students to work cooperatively with each other. Using Google Apps for Education is a great way for students to work together on projects and help them analyze and think critically about their learning. I still feel that teachers should facilitate the learning and technology helps teachers do this. Technology integration is so important for students as well since most have had some type of device in their hands at a very young age. If we don't embrace the digital tools that are available to us, then our students are going to left behind. Technology makes it easier for the learning to be student-centered and allow students to create and reflect on their learning. I am always seeking out new digital tools and how to successfully implement more technology in the classroom. My students are digital learners and hopefully will be able to continually evaluate their learning through technology.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Tech Integration
I am most excited about learning how to effectively integrate technology at all grade levels, and I'm always looking and exploring digital resources to use in the classroom. Even thought our elementary building is not 1:1, we have several iPads and Chromebooks in the classrooms, so I can provide resources to use for iPads and have experience using Google Apps as well. I keep looking at a flipped classroom and would love to explore this more and learn effective techniques and resources to use to flip the classroom. I think some of our teachers are ready for this concept and would like to be able to provide assistance for them to be successful. I'm looking forward to learning more about integrating technology in our school.
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